Tuesday, May 4, 2010

BRC and Shasta County to File Appeals on Shasta Trinity NF Travel Plan

The Trinity Journal got one thing right… that BRC, Shasta County and other groups will be filing appeals on a travel plan that functionally closes almost 100% of the single track motorcycle and ATV trails less than 50 inches in width that are currently in use on the Forest.
PHOTO: The General on a trail closed in the travel plan

The General is not quite sure what Trinity County Supervisor means when she said that, “There was not much input from off-highway vehicle riders in this area as the proposals were being considered.”

On the contrary, The Recreation HQ is aware that groups like the Redding Dirt Riders and the Recreation Outdoor Coalition submitted maps with over 800 miles of premier single track trails and mixed use roads recommended for designation but those comments were purposely ignored by the Shasta Trinity National Forest.

As the May 10 deadline for filing an appeal draws closer, The General believes the Forest has created a fatally flawed document that does not meet the spirit and intent of the Travel Management Rule. The Recreation HQ hopes that local counties will file an appeal and stand up for the access rights of their local citizens. At the end of the day when the federal government rules against the people the county government is our best hope to find resolution.

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