Thursday, May 5, 2011

SEND LETTER TODAY to Keep JV Open - Use BRC Alert with Comments and Overview

Let's Keep This From Being the Future for JV

HQ wanted to make sure riders knew that BRC just sent out an action alert today (with suggested comments) asking you to send in comments regarding the Marines at 29 Palms DEIS.

New BRC Alert with Suggested Comments and Overview

Since all land-use decisions are political decisions (an axiom here at HQ) including the proposal by Marine leadership to give OHV the boot from Johnson Valley, HQ is urging that you send a copy of your comments to your elected officials. Remember that Congress must review and approve the project AFTER the planning process is complete.

Here is a link where you can find those elected federal officials

It only takes a few minutes to cut-n-paste in some suggested comments and/or add a few personal comments of your own. HQ already used info on the alert and sent in comments to the Corps and elected Members of Congress.

Please make sure that this info gets forwarded to your OHV network. Thanks in advance for your efforts to keep JV open for OHV use.


  1. Please be sure all comments are directed toward defects in the DEIS. An emotional appeal will not cut it, we must challenge the document itself.

  2. You are right. At this point, comments should point out problems with the process. Telling the Navy about how your uncle with one leg needs access to the JV area is not effective. Also, Congress should get copies of your comments.
