Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fourth of July OHV Legal Victory in Montana

Although the Recreation HQ is closed for the July 4th Celebration of our Country, The General wanted to give riders some breaking goods news to enhance the festivities and your spirit this weekend.

On Friday July 2, a federal judge in Montana ordered the Forest Service to reopen about 40 roads and trails and to allow for dispersed camping up to 300 ft. from the route instead of the now infamous “one vehicle length” rule popular in Region 5 and elsewhere.

See the July 2Motorcycle Industry Council’s News Release

The HQ agrees with MIC representatives about the importance of this victory. The General believes this could be a game changer in addressing how TMR is being recast from its original intent into a politically hideous and disjointed hybrid program that is being used on some Forests to enact landscape level closures.

The General is proud of the suit’s legal team of Paul Turcke, Bill Horn, and Ron Cameron. I believe the judge even commended the OHV counsel for a job well done.

This was a team effort and my good friends Russ and Mona Enhes and other groups and leaders deserve some major kudos. This victory proves that we should never give up. Rather, this win should buck us up for other fights.

This Montana victory fills my heart with pride and hope. Freedom is not free and this hard fought and costly legal battle proves that THE PEOPLE can win when they pull together in a just cause.

The General salutes all who worked on and/or supported this legal effort and your country thanks you as well.

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