The Recreation HQ got a call last week from our good friend, Dennis Mayo (founder of the Eureka-based Open Beaches and Trails Group), who wanted The General to check into the “Ocean Wilderness Areas” being championed by left wing preservationist groups and an unholy state agency/NGO hybrid called the California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative.
Overview of MLPA Hybrid Program
Overview of MLPA Hybrid Program
As the grandson and great grandson of immigrant Norwegian fishermen who fished the waters near S.F up through Eureka, Seattle, ending up in Alaska, my ‘this fish stinks” radar immediately started to sound the all-hands-on-deck and man your land-use battle stations (water-use in this case) alarms when The Admiral found that a diverse group of interests were crying foul on the proposed closure of the Pacific Ocean on the North Coast to fishing. The HQ's infamous land-use "Stinko-Meter" is pinned.
May 27 Article of Diverse Groups Crying Foul on MLPA
Besides just crying foul it looks like fishing groups filed a lawsuit on June 10 against the MLPA basically charging the process is corrupt including its relationship with the Resources Legacy Fund Foundation.
June 10 Article on Fishing Lawsuit
Some riders who don’t fish may ask what this all has to do with OHV battles? This is where this story turns ugly. Remember the Recreation HQ’s recent post on the effort by enviro groups and IMBA to have the Stonyford and Upper Lake OHV Area designated at a National Conservation Area or a National Obamument?
May 6 Blog on Stonyford NCA Proposal and Green Cabal
June 7 Article on Cong. Mike Thompson Considering NCA Push on 500K Acres in N. Cal including Stonyford
Well it looks like the Foundation’s board member, Jim Eaton, (former director for the CA Wilderness Coalition), is also a key player in the push for the NCA designations from
Berryessa up to the OR border.
Info on the Resources Legacy Foundation’s Jim Eaton and his background
The question of where the Resources Agency’s Ocean Protection Council/DFG gets funding for this type of regulators-gone-mad scenario appears to be at least, in part, from an 11 percent allotment in the CA State Parks Initiative. 11 percent of $500 million is $55 million.
Text of State Parks Initiative and Link
b) Seven percent (7%) shall be available for appropriation from the fund to the Department of Fish and Game for the management and operation of wildlife refuges, ecological reserves and other lands owned or managed by the Department of Fish and Game for wildlife conservation.
(c) Four percent (4%) shall be available for appropriation from the fund to the Ocean Protection Council for marine wildlife conservation and the protection of coastal waters, with first priority given to the development, operation, management, and monitoring of marine protected areas.
March 10 Blog on CA State Parks Initiative ($18 dollar/yr. tax/fee per vehicle)
The Recreation HQ will be doing more updates on this issue, but it wants riders and other concerned citizens to be aware of a press conference called by Karen Brooks at High Noon Dock D at Woodley Island Marina on June 16 in Eureka.
Reform is needed both in DC and Sacramento where you have a cabal of state/federal agencies such as DTSC, CARB, Cal-EPA, EPA, and wilderness groups working in concert to close our oceans and public lands (Shasta T and Clear Creek) to activities such as OHV recreation and fishing.
The Recreation HQ apologizes for both the length and complex nature of this blog, but the issues are just too important not to share. If you want a local contact in the Eureka area for more info or if you are coming to the June 16 event…. Call Dennis Mayo at: 707.832.9334.
The General thanks you in advance for reviewing this issue.
Don, this is information that should be shared with the whole recreation based public. Under this administration, the enviros are behaving much like the bastards in DC. This has to be exposed and stopped before Obama gets another term and ruins this country's freedoms entirely. In the past your op/eds to newspapers like the Sac Bee have reached many people unaware of these types of issues do to the non-reporting of the MSM. I will pass this information on to all I know. Keep up the good fight. You are truly the General in this battle to keep our public lands open!!