When somebody from a corrupt government/non-governmental agency hybrid tells fishermen in Northern California that they are there to “help you” – don’t buy it.
PHOTO: New Ocean Wilderness Area?
Well that is exactly what happened at High Noon yesterday when Karen Brooks and about 100 fishermen and local ocean access supporters gathered at a marina in Humboldt Bay to tell MLPA representatives to stop trying to kill the fishing economy on the North Coast.
Times-Standard Article on MLPA Protest
Well that is exactly what happened at High Noon yesterday when Karen Brooks and about 100 fishermen and local ocean access supporters gathered at a marina in Humboldt Bay to tell MLPA representatives to stop trying to kill the fishing economy on the North Coast.
Times-Standard Article on MLPA Protest
The General remembers when he was a kid working at Cal-Pacific Lumber Company (circa early 1970s) when another government program (Redwood National Park) put a lot of the timber industry out of business including Cal-Pac.
Some riders may ask why the Recreation HQ is focusing on the MLPA fight? Well it just so happens that many BRC members on the North Coast belong to organizations like the Far West Motorcycle Club, Lost Coast 4x4, and Cliffhangers 4x4. Those folks either fish recreationally or commercially. With no job how can you pay for gas, car insurance, etc., to go OHVing?
Sunday’s rare weekend blog points out it is no coincidence that you have many of the same eco-groups and their willing accomplices in elected office who are championing Ocean Wilderness Areas are also supporting land-based Wilderness Areas, National Monuments, or National Conservation Areas in regions where there are developed and dispersed OHV recreational opportunities.
Sunday’s blog regarding NCA’s, MLPA, and the Land Use Stinkometer
The General gives a hardy salute to those fishermen – from Shelter Cove, Eureka, and Crescent City - who attended the rally. They clearly understand that if those of us who believe in the multiple-use of public lands and waterways don’t – as Benjamin Franklin said – hang together we will surly hang separately.
Thanks for your service!
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