The Recreation HQ thanks a local OHV advocate in the San Jose area for the heads-up yesterday regarding IMBA’s support for a National Conservation Area designation for much of the Mendocino National Forest including the Stonyford OHV Area. As many of you know, a NCA designation historically by definition restricts motorized access and at the end of the day (i.e. King Range NCA) usually BANs OHV use via regulations or the eventual “Wilderness” designation.
IMBA Blog on Wilderness Conference and Stonyford NCA
IMBA Blog on Wilderness Conference and Stonyford NCA
See HQ Blog on IMBA Drinking Wilderness Kool-Aid with OHV War History Lesson
While researching IMBA’s support for hosing OHV use and other multiple-uses (while naturally promoting mtn. bike use) on the Mendocino National Forest, The General was not surprised to see the green cabal of the usual suspects (The Wilderness Society, California Wilderness Coalition, and the Sierra Club) and a new group called Tuleyome pushing for a NCA (or Monument) designation for the Stonyford OHV Area.
The Wilderness Society Overview of Snow Mountain/Stonyford NCA Proposal
Tuleyome Overview with Maps and Outline of Stonyford Proposal
As DOI continues to stonewall BRC and pro-access congressional representatives on our requests for documents related to national monument designations at Stonyford and elsewhere, The General believes the aforementioned pro-Wilderness groups will be the ones found to be actually driving the Obama National Monument plan vs. Interior bureaucrats concocting this scheme in a vacuum.
Article on Congressional Hearing Yesterday
Yes folks there is bad news, the OHV Wars continue. Battles will continue at Clear Creek, the Eldorado NF, and at Oceano Dunes and Carnegie SVRAs. New battles will be fought at Stonyford, the AZ and CO OHV programs, the OR Dunes, and other OHV areas.
However, the good news is that we have rural counties stepping up to the plate and joining our fight against land closures. Both Glenn and Colusa counties have passed resolutions against the Stonyford Obamument. San Benito County just reopened their county roads and has sent letters of support for historic OHV use at Clear Creek. Shasta County is filing an appeal on the Shasta Trinity travel plan. Others like Del Norte County are fighting back as well. Be strong, we are not alone any longer.
The General, once again, wants to thank all of you who have answered the call to join in the fight and defend our access rights.
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Feel free to comment on this blog topic today in the comment section or send The General a PM at: damador@cwo.com
There days of doing whatever they want with OUR land are over. Thank's to people like you, the word is getting out. We're only going to get stronger as our numbers grow. Thanks again for your tireless effort.
ReplyDelete10-4 on our growing numbers. Watch for blog on Monday - New lawsuit to be filed against FS for illegal road decommissioning and misuse of the travel mang. rule. We ARE fighting back.
Thanks for the thank you and THANK YOU as well for the support and for getting involved!