On January 8, 2009 The General posted a mountain-bike oriented OHV War history lesson for land-use newbies who ride both mountain-bikes and OHVs.
See Jan. 8 Mtn.Bike OHV War History Lesson
Recently, BRC issued an Alert regarding a new Wilderness push in Congress – an effort that not surprisingly has the support of IMBA.
See BRC Alert on Wilderness Push
What should be bothering many of you who are mountain-bikers is that IMBA has joined this ill-advised congressional push for more Wilderness quality lands to be managed as de facto Wilderness -- a land management prescription that by the way bans both mountain-bike and motorized uses.
See IMBA Effort in Support of de facto Wilderness
If I was a hard-core mountain-biker, I would be asking just what the heck is going on at IMBA. I believe that organization is going through some sort of identity crisis. IMHO, they should be joining forces with BRC and other access groups as enviros seek to close state and federal recreation sites to ALL uses including mountain-biking.
The Vichy French taught us that siding with your enemy is not a good long-term military strategy. The General believes IMBA should study history before launching pro-Wilderness initiatives.
As a motorcycle rider and a mountain biker, I am disappointed after reading the press release from IMBA. I feel it is short sided on IMBA's part to not support OHV and ALL public users of public land. I sent an email to Mr. Eller with my view.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sending IMBA a letter. I sent Mark a note as well. We sure could have used IMBA's help a few years ago on our fight for mtn. bike trails in the Headwaters Forest.
I would of thought that IMBA would have learned their lesson already when it comes to trail access. I find it hard to believe that mountain bikers share IMBA's beliefs on this. I know I don't. Makes me glad I'm no longer a member. My money is much better spent with the BRC. Keep up the good work Don, it's much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThe Headwaters Case Study is interesting... IMBA selected to not join with BRC to fight for mtn. bike trails. An equestian leader on the Northcoast after his horse people selected not to fight for horse trails... joined BRC and is now our BRC Open Beaches and Trails Rep.
Sir, I have dealt with IMBA first hand via punishment from the US Federal Government for building illegal mtn. bike trails (which by the way I was reported to the USFS by a head IMBA guy) and all I have to say about this organization is they DO NOT support REAL mtn.biker interest nor will they ever jump into help ANY motorized orv organization in a fight against land closer! They are nothing more than a silent partner of the Sierra Club which in fact alot of IMBA members are proud card carrying members of the SC!! I will NEVER support these idiots and they do nothing but try to control where you can ride and pat their own backs. To hell with IMBA! Matt aka BillyBadAss from the Hickhucksters.
ReplyDeleteIMBA really had a good opportunity to partner with BRC to fight for mtn. bike trails in the Headwaters Forest. When they selected not to fight with us...that really exposed their anti-access agenda IMHO.