Friday, March 5, 2010

MORAL VICTORY AT CLEAR CREEK - Public Comment Period Extended for 45 Days

The General wants to salute all of you riders and particularly the OHVers (who vote) in the Congressional Districts of Congressman Jim Costa (D) and Congressman Sam Farr (D). The Recreation HQ is convinced the March 3 letters from those legislators asking the BLM to extend the public comment period were key in getting the BLM to back down and grant a 45 day extension. YOU won a moral victory! The new deadline for the public comment period is April 19, 2010.

March 5 BLM News Release on Extension

Now the question is if the OHV community, local elected officials, and other stakeholders can mount a strong enough campaign (yes, I said campaign because all land use decisions are POLITICAL DECISIONS) to help Rick Cooper change course from his current track that for all intents and purposes appears will close CCMA to OHV use. That permanent closure of CCMA to OHV would basically make all lands managed by the Hollister Field Office an “OHV FREE ZONE.”

This additional time will allow the OHMVR Division and County to review the DEIS and its science and then prepare official comments. Those comments from a sister land agency and a local government could play an important role in the BLM’s decision-making process regarding the future of OHV at The Creek.

The General salutes all of you who have and are helping in the fight to reopen CCMA to OHV recreation and other historic public land uses.

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