Monday, February 7, 2011

High Country News Explains 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Victory

A lot of riders cheered our recent legal victory when the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned its long-standing “federal defendant” rule making it easier for OHV, timber, ranchers, and other natural resource interests to intervene in environmental lawsuits.

However, many users did not really understand what it actually meant to the OHV community and the impact it would have on the access fight. Fortunately for HQ readers, our friends at the sometimes-left leaning High Country News published an excellent article that helps explain the court ruling.

High Country News Article (a good read)

If you would like some more background on this court ruling you can ck. out the Jan. 14 blog link below that has a video clip of the attorneys arguing before the court panel.

Jan. 14 Blog on Case with video link

This legal win is something that you all should be proud of.

1 comment:

  1. How the greenies got us excluded in the first place is something we need to understand. The courts treat them as an elite ruling class, with rights the rest of us do not have. This decision is an important step in the right direction. We now need to take full advantage of it and press back hard, every time the greenies file a suit.
