Friday, October 22, 2010
Massive OHV Legal Win in 8th Circuit Court of Appeals
The Recreation HQ is proud to share this recent and historic pro-OHV legal victory in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.
See BRC News Release on This Victory
Link to Decision (a good read)
Decisions like this don't just happen, and this is a satisfying turn in a climate of endless anti-OHV litigation being filed against the Forest Service by radical environmental groups seeking to impose their "vision" (I call it a nightmare) of what a forest should look like.
Many of these “visions” include the creation of imaginary buffers around non-motorized land classifications that extend onto motorized areas. Also, these eco-hallucinations include banning OHV use in areas because of perceived impacts to flora and fauna and/or failure of the agency to complete endless studies of same.
OHV continues to get pounded by the anti-OHV crowd, but this victory (and some others coming soon?) may help ease the pain and give hope that we are not fighting a losing battle.
Donations are needed to support the work of the BRC. Please consider a donation so we can continue our effective efforts to champion and protect responsible OHV recreation.
Donate to BRC Legal Fund – tax deductible
Donate to Support the Work of the BRC Western Representative (type in “western rep” in “contribution instructions” icon – tax deductible
To Support the Non-BRC Work (political, special projects, etc) of the Quiet Warrior send non-tax deductible support to:
Quiet Warrior Racing
555 Honey Lane
Oakley, CA 94561
Thanks for your service and support!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
New "Subpart A" lawsuit filed against Bridgeport Ranger District's Travel Plan
The General on an ATV near Carson City
Recently the Recreation HQ posted an article about the green’s “lust for closures” based on their new “Subpart A and Roadless” lawsuit filed against the Stanislaus National Forest’s Travel Plan.
Green Lust for Closures
Now it looks like CBD basically cut and pasted their legal tenets of the Stanislaus case in the new suit filed against the Bridgeport Ranger District in Nevada.
New CBD Lawsuit Filed in Nevada Against the Bridgeport Ranger District
Article about Lawsuit (with quotes from BRC’s Brian Hawthorne)
HQ has warned riders that we are entering the middle of OHV Wars and this new attack by CBD et al is nothing more than an effort by them to get a judge in some venue to issue a court order that defines the “minimum road network” in future Subpart A travel planning. The concept of a minimum road network has been around for a long time. The danger here is that enviros want it defined in a court. Not a good thing for access interests!
As recreation groups review and prepare for a possible intervention in the Stanislaus case, riders in Nevada will have to decide it they want to fight this attack on a popular riding area in the Carson City area.
Thanks for your service and support!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Signs - An Important Management Tool

The Recreation HQ believes that respect for our natural resources should actually start with the agency. When visiting various Forests, The General looks for “signs” that an agency has made a commitment to managing the unit.
PHOTO: A "sign" this unit cares about the resource
HQ believes that signing is a critical management tool that is often missing on many units. Signs are an important way the agency communicates to the public. Signs that inform the general public can either convey the agency’s commitment to managing recreational activities or they (by their absence) convey a lack of caring.
As we continue on the somewhat arduous (and controversial at times) travel planning journey, HQ believes that the agency must commit to managing the resource and communicate that decision to the general public via an effective signing program.
As always, thanks to riders for your support and to those in the agency who work hard to convey their commitment to the management of our public lands via an effective signing program.
Feedback and comments are welcome from riders and agency folks who follow this blog.
Don Amador,
forest service,
OHV trails,
travel management rule
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Note from HQ on the Elections and the Trail Party

Between now and the election, Don Amador, (founder of the Trail Party), will be taking some time away from the Recreation HQ and focusing more of his energy on the elections.
The Recreation HQ will still be posting stories regarding trail issues but those posting will be spaced farther apart until after November 2.
If you would like to follow the Trail Party you can find it at:
The Recreation HQ will still be posting stories regarding trail issues but those posting will be spaced farther apart until after November 2.
If you would like to follow the Trail Party you can find it at:
Thanks for your service and support!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
HQ Bell Tolls for Closure of Intermountain Forest Assn.

The Recreation HQ has sounded its official bell today in mourning. Several days ago, The General got word that the Intermountain Forest Association will be closing its doors at the end of the year.
PHOTO: Don standing by a Cat (the type he used to run and service in the 1970s) near Rio Dell.
Article on IFA Closing
HQ believes this closure is directly related to the never ending war declared (circa late 1960s) by radical environmental groups, left-wing foundations, and their supporters in Congress to put the timber industry “out of business” on public lands. Some of you may not know that The General worked in the timber and construction industry in the early 1970s (see blog below for that bit of history). He might have stayed in the resource industry but at a young age he saw the “handwriting on the wall” when Redwood National Park was established which put Cal-Pacific Lumber (and many others) out of business.
Don’s History of Logging on the N. Coast
The General is proud of his relationship with the timber industry as part of the multiple-use family. Over the years we have fought many administrative, legislative, and legal battles together. One such fight was against the Clinton-Gore Roadless Initiative.
The magnitude of the IFA closure cannot be overstated. The General believes it rivals the murder of Gil Murray- by the Unabomber- on the “land-use” Richter scale.
Again, HQ is still processing this event but wanted its followers to know that it rang the official HQ bell today in mourning of IFA’s closure. The War on the West against timber, OHV, mining, and ranching continues.
Video of HQ Bell Being Sounded
Let us not forget the families put out of work by the extreme environmental movement and let us resolve today to fight back even harder against their job-killing agenda.
Thanks for your service!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
HQ is Closed - Oct. 5-7 - Meetings on N. Coast

The General will be on the N. Coast at various access meetings from Oct. 5-7. HQ will reopen on Oct. 8.
Dealernews Oct 2010 - Land Use Battle is Front and Center

The Recreation HQ commends Dealernews for addressing the issue of “land-use advocacy” in its October 2010 edition. There is an excellent overview of the fight for OHV access as the lead article with BRC’s executive director, Greg Mumm. That article also includes an interview with Cycle Gear’s CEO, Dave Bertram.
PHOTO: Cycle Gear's Dave Betram presents BRC with 10K as part of CG's Trail Fund Support
Program for BRC.
DealerNews Interview with Greg Mumm and Dave Bertram
In that same issue, Dealernews does a short Q&A with The General regarding his take on the land use battle.
Q&A with The General (includes some wins and highlights import of local clubs, etc.)
Link to all the Dealernews Access Articles
Riders often ask why the industry and dealers are not more involved? HQ believes this issue of Dealernews may help answer some of those questions and to point out those dealers and industry leaders who support the effort. Good job Dealernews! The General salutes you.
Thanks for your support!
Monday, October 4, 2010
H.R. 689 - The FS/BLM OHV Land Exchange Bill a Success!

PHOTOS: Upper Left - BLM's Sky Zaffarano, the OHV Program Manager, pointing to FS land that is now in BLM authority. Upper Right - The General on one of the maintained dirt bike trails.
The Recreation HQ is proud to give riders an update on just how the passage of H.R 689 (the FS/BLM land exchange bill at Chappie-Shasta OHV Area) is doing.
BRC News Release on Success of H.R. 689 (includes quote from Cong. Herger)
BRC News Release on Success of H.R. 689 (includes quote from Cong. Herger)
The General, on behalf of BRC, helped tech and support the Redding Dirt Rider’s Buckhorn Enduro this last weekend. Before the event, he had a chance to do a “post-passage of the bill” tour with the BLM OHV Manager on that unit, Sky Zaffarano.
Over the years, this unit had been co-managed (or not - depending on your point of view) by both the FS and BLM. It had mixed agency lands and the different land management regulations that exist between the FS and BLM often created conflicts and problems.
This is a great example of where local users got together with elected officials and found a legislative solution to a problem. Since I last visited the area, it appears this new management prescription has resulted in better trail maintenance and new opportunities for the motorized community.
The Chappie-Shasta OHV Area is a destination site in the HQ’s opinion. Besides challenging dirt-bike trails, it offers a great camping/staging area with a giant touring loop for 4wds and ROV/UTVs. Views include Lake Shasta, Mount Shasta, and the Trinity Alps.
HQ recommends this unit as a must place to visit for the OHV enthusiast. Keep in mind a lot of the higher elevation trails are closed due to snow in the winter time.
Over the years, this unit had been co-managed (or not - depending on your point of view) by both the FS and BLM. It had mixed agency lands and the different land management regulations that exist between the FS and BLM often created conflicts and problems.
This is a great example of where local users got together with elected officials and found a legislative solution to a problem. Since I last visited the area, it appears this new management prescription has resulted in better trail maintenance and new opportunities for the motorized community.
The Chappie-Shasta OHV Area is a destination site in the HQ’s opinion. Besides challenging dirt-bike trails, it offers a great camping/staging area with a giant touring loop for 4wds and ROV/UTVs. Views include Lake Shasta, Mount Shasta, and the Trinity Alps.
HQ recommends this unit as a must place to visit for the OHV enthusiast. Keep in mind a lot of the higher elevation trails are closed due to snow in the winter time.
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