Thursday, July 30, 2009
The General is on R & R
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July 29 Update on Parks/OHV - Video Included

OHMVR – The Good – The core OHV program (SVRAs and grants – approx. 60 million dollars) stays intact.
OHMVR - The Bad - $112 million dollars “borrowed” from several special accounts. Who knows when it will be repaid? The prospect of purchasing new lands for OHV at anytime in the near future looks grim.
STATE PARKS - More Bad - They take a $52 million dollar hit (or 21% reduction) for this year and next. Park administration will wait until after Labor Day to close up to 100 or more non-SVRA units.
5 MONTH BUDGET CYCLE – Even Worse - Sacramento will have to do this all over again (another round of budget cuts at best guess) in a few months.
Don Amador’s Video Message to Users – Stay Engaged and Involved – Also take advantage of new Rocky Mtn. ATV/BRC Membership Program
Rocky Mtn. ATV/BRC Membership Drive
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
State Park/OHMVR Update - Parks Takes a Hit

The California State Park budget appears to have been one of those targets as well as the OHMVR Program. Although it appears the OHMVR operations (SVRAs and day-to-day administrative duties) and grants program stays intact, the fact remains that over $110 million dollars was “borrowed” from special OHV accounts. That means there will be basically no capital outlay projects or acquisitions for the foreseeable future.
The landscape that used to be the Golden State is now faced with a state park system that may close 100 or more non-SVRA units. State Parks is tasked with a very difficult issue. Also, OHMVR will have to put on hold any plans for new areas.
Certainly the long-term sustainability of State Parks will be based on their ability to find partners, sponsors, and creative methods (we should support those efforts) to become self-supported and more of a user-pay/user benefit program such as the OHV or Boating and Waterways programs.
Also, we are on a 5 month budget cycle so that means we may be doing this all over again in a few months.
If there is a silver lining in the clouds… it is a fact that because of a lot of hard work by unsung heroes (I know who you are and I SALUTE YOU!)… our OHV Program remains. It reminds me of the famous image of the metal structure at the Twin Towers – a Phoenix rising out of the ashes.
Sure things look dark now, but it is during hard times that Californians buck it up and get’er done. Let’s just hope that our leaders in Sacramento have that same metal.
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Saturday, July 25, 2009
CA Budget Deal - OHV Program Survives for Now

That means the SVRAs and grant programs to various federal and county land agencies and law enforcement groups will remain.
It does appear that legislators “borrowed” an additional $20 million dollars or so from several holdover or special accounts in the OHV program. Unlike the $90 million dollars that was borrowed recently, no time has been slated for these funds to be repaid.
The General will reserve commentary on the California budget mess for a later date. However, I will say one thing now and that is this debacle should sound a clarion call to lawmakers in Sacramento that “change” under the Dome is needed. “Borrowing” (some folks call it stealing) dedicated funds from user pay programs such as OHMVR or from local governments is no way to do business and sends a chilling message to the voters and tax payers in California.
Good news – OHV Program stays! Bad news – we may see this whole thing repeated in 5 months.
Thanks for your service!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
OHV Recreation, Tourism, and Land Trusts

The General has long believed that managed OHV recreation can bring real dollars to local economies and is an activity that should be encouraged by lawmakers, users, and government officials.
Another concept that should be embraced by the OHV community is the development of
a recreation-oriented land trust that can acquire and/or manage high quality lands that are coming on the market (i.e. surplus timber lands and other properties). The goal of the conservation/recreation land trust would be to acquire/manage lands in a manner that protects resources and critical habitat while allowing some form of recreation (motorized and/or non-motorized as appropriate) and public access to occur. The land trust could also act as a holding entity until a government agency could get legislation passed and monies appropriated to purchase the property.
In the midst of all the gloom, maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Obama, Recreation, and Wildfires

In the midst of all of this – comes a somewhat welcome proposal by the Obama administration to review how federal wildfires are funded.
The article correctly points out that historically once the federal wildfire budget has been exhausted – the agencies borrow (or steal) funds from other programs such as timber management. What the story does not say is that often the first department to be defunded was the Forest Service or BLM recreation/trails program.
In states such as California where massive wildfires can be the norm, the small stream of appropriated recreation monies that was slated for on-the-ground trail projects or facility maintenance was many times diverted to fighting wildfires.
The General welcomes the administration’s effort on this topic and hopes that it will end the agency’s current practice of cannibalizing its non-fire related programs to pay for countering wildfires.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Update on CA Budget Deal Later Today
Friday, July 17, 2009
STAYING ALIVE - Update on CA Budget Battle and OHV/State Parks

Yesterday, on behalf of the BlueRibbon Coalition, The General attended an OHMVR Commission meeting in Sacramento. The high or low point (depends on how you look at it) of the meeting was Coleman’s rather grim presentation on the potential closure of many regular state parks units and/or the gutting of her department.
She pointed out those park units which are funded through special funds (SVRAs and lakes and reservoirs), and receive no general fund dollars, appear to be safe from closing. This is because these parks are funded by the people who use them under the user pay/user benefit model. OHMVR and Boating and Waterways are two such examples.
On the other hand, she believes many non-special fund state park units could still be subject to closure if lawmakers cannot find a way to resolve the 26 billion dollar shortfall. Coleman’s Deputy for Administration told the group they had looked at raising park fees but they would have to TRIPLE entrance and camping fees to come up with the 72 million dollars they need to stay in business. However, this scenario won’t help because if fees were raised by that amount you would drive folks away from the parks (and hence decrease any potential fiscal benefit from the increase in fees) and it would functionally exclude lower income families from enjoying those facilities.
Since state park employees are not allowed to lobby for their programs, Coleman and staff kept their presentation very matter-of-fact and did not tell the OHV commission/community what to do. It is my impression reading between the lines that the operations side of the OHV Program is safe from being raided. However, the grants portion of the program (i.e. grants to FS, BLM, counties, law enforcement, etc) could still be vulnerable in future budget cycles. At this time, I think the legislature maybe hesitant to steal dedicated funds from user-pay/user-benefit programs because it sends a horrible message to the public and would kill future support for any such endeavors.
At the end of the day, I can’t tell you when this budget mess will be fixed. It could be this weekend or in 3-4 weeks. It is my impression that regular state parks must become entirely self-funded. One such option that appears to be on the table is a $15 dollar/yr. surcharge (some would call it a use-fee or tax) that would be charged on every vehicle when the owner renews their registration. An alternative could be either an Op-Out (where you have to decline to pay the fee at time of paying your renewal) or an Opt-In (where you have to accept the additional fee at time of registration). Another option could be for state parks to continue efforts to gain corporate sponsorships for some or all of the units. Also, the National Park Service could take over management of several joint state/fed units such as Redwood National and State Parks in Northern California (not a good option for recreationists and access in my opinion since the NPS has a preservationist agenda vs. the more recreation/people friendly approach).
I think riders need to continue to monitor this process and send in letters of concern to your legislators as the spirit or OHV alerts move you.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Test Example for SAE - J2825

A number of the troops asked me to do a sample sound check on my bone stock 2001 Suzuki 1500 V-Twin Intruder using the test procedures of the SAE – J2825 20 inch sound test for street motorcycles.
Results for the 1500 Intruder:
Idle – 80.4 dBA
2000 rpm – 85.5 dBA
It appears this test procedure leaves plenty of room for healthy sounding aftermarket street exhaust systems, while screening out the obnoxiously loud street bikes.
This is a very good step for motorcycling!
Monday, July 13, 2009
New Sound Test for Street Bikes - SAE J2825

AMA issued a release as well:
I believe this is a game changer in the battle to improve the image of both the off-road and street motorcyclist. While the off-road community has the SAE-J1287 20 inch sound test – a standard that has been adopted by several states, the missing-link in the sound saga up until now has been an easily applied stationary sound test for street bikes.
Also, some riders don’t realize that the general public does not distinguish between loud dirt bikes vs. loud street bikes – they view all excessively loud motorcycles in the same manner.
I think the SAE-J2825 offers law enforcement and those of us in education a valuable tool to help the riders and other stakeholders address excessively loud street bikes.
Everybody wins with this new test. Kudos to all those who worked in the development of the
Thursday, July 9, 2009

As some of you know, BRC’s Don Amador spent over 100 hours in the summer of 2007 working with a core group from state parks, the OHV and green lobby, and the Governor’s Office on SB742 – a bill that would provide the state with an ecologically-balanced OHV program. At the end of the day, it got almost a unanimous vote of approval by the state legislature and was signed into law by the Governor. BTW – PEER opposed the bill.
Based on my recollection of some intense negotiations on SB742, and my review of the bill, here is my response to PEER’s bilge.
A bipartisan committee (GOP, Dems, Enviros, and OHVers) back in the early 1970s: created the 1971 Chappie-Z’berg Act. The bill provided a stable funding source of non-General Fund monies to help pay for trail maintenance, law enforcement, new riding areas, and safety/education. This concept is similar to other user pay/user benefit state programs such as Boating and Waterways where fuel taxes on gasoline burned by boaters is set aside for managing reservoirs and waterways. In a similar fashion, fuel taxes on gasoline burned while operating vehicles off-highway is set aside for managing off-highway vehicle recreation throughout California on local, state, federal and private lands.
According to the Revenue and Taxation Code, funds generated by off-highway recreation shall be used to for managing off-highway recreation, just as on-highway funds are used for highways.
Since the working group spent a lot of time discussing the following foundation block or tenet of SB742, let me restate it for the record… the bill says that the program is to support both motorized recreation and “motorized off-highway access to nonmotorized recreation.” SB742 states that priority should be given to grant projects that maintain existing OHV opportunity, and then give extra consideration to those projects which also provide motorized access to nonmotorized recreation.
BTW –I seem to remember that OHMVR staff said at a OHV meeting that that approx. 20-21 percent of the OHV fund comes from the new increased OHV reg. fees – not 12%
Highlights of SB742
Read About CA OHV Laws
I don’t think the legislature is paying much attention to PEER’s effort to defund the OHV program. At this time, I think we need to just be armed with the facts and be ready to stand up and defend our program when asked by someone about PEER’s false accusations and their ludicrous proposal to take OHV monies.
The General believes (and has stated on many occasions) that regular state parks should find a way to become a user pay/user benefit program such as Boating or Waterways or the OHMVR Division instead of relying on monies from the General Fund.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
BRC Sends FOIA Based Letter To BLM on Clear Creek

On May 6, 2009, BRC’s Don Amador filed a FOIA with the BLM (see FOIA request below)
Lawrence Weitzel
FOIA/PA Coordinator
Federal Building
2800 Cottage Way/W-1834
Sacramento, CA 95825-0451
FAX 916-978-4416
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request
Dear Mr. Weitzel:
This request for information is filed under the Freedom of Information Act. It is submitted on behalf of the BlueRibbon Coalition, a national trail-based recreation group.
BRC requests that a copy of the following communications (letters, emails, faxes, or memos) be sent to the address given below.
Those requested documents include any and all correspondence, or notes describing such correspondence or communications, between the Bureau of Land Management and/or Department of Interior and members of the public, other stakeholders, organizations, law firms, attorneys, other governmental or state land or regulatory agencies, and environmental groups which address (1) the issue of asbestos-related “agency liability” regarding continued public access to the Clear Creek Management Area (CCMA); and/or (2) threats of litigation or risks to human health associated with past or continuing human recreational access to the CCMA . We request information dated between January 1, 2003 and April 27, 2009.
As a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt non-profit group, BRC believes that it qualifies for a fee waiver under the Department of Interior’s FOIA regulations (43 CFR Part 2, Appendix D).
BRC publishes a monthly magazine for our membership and that publication is also distributed to Members of Congress, various land managers, and the media so they can better understand how federal recreation-oriented decision making affects our access to public lands and waterways.
Information received from FOIA requests and other sources is often used by BRC staff to prepare for testimony before Congress. In fact, I have used such information in my capacity as the Western Representative for the BRC in testimony before Congress – as an invited panelist -- regarding the Clinton-Gore Roadless Plan and the Boxer-Thompson Wilderness Bill.
BRC does not have any commercial interests regarding CCMA. Because of the aforementioned facts regarding how BRC will use information obtained by this FOIA request to help our membership, Congress, and the media better understand how the agency decided to close CCMA to all public uses while an environmental review process is completed, BRC again believes that it qualifies for a fee waiver.
I request that the information I seek be provided in electronic format, and I would like to receive it on a personal computer disk (or a CD-ROM).
I may be called at the telephone number listed below during business hours to discuss my request, if necessary.
Don Amador
Western Representative
BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc.
555 Honey Lane
Oakley, CA 94561
Office: 925.625.6287
Today, BRC counsel sent a letter to BLM based on information from the FOIA. You will find a copy of the 22 page letter hot-linked into BRC’s News Release:
Thanks in advance for your continued patience and understanding during these diffucult times.
Stay engaged and involved. Don't give up.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Rockers and Youth to the Rescue

The good news in what has been a virtual avalanche of OHV-related bad news lately is that there are a growing number of young people who are stepping up the plate and answering the call.
Just recently, the Peace Mafia, an alternative rock band based in Reno, Nevada, managed a rock/BRC booth at Mammoth MX. Their goal is to get rockers, young people, racers, and others involved in helping keep trails open. The band has made a long-term commitment to land access.
Also, I see other younger riders getting involved and learning the trade. In Northern California, a rep. for a major aftermarket company is representing OHV interests
on a county/stakeholder planning group. He has made a commitment to learn the process so he can be part of the solution. Good for them and even better for us old guys and the sport.
I challenge more celebrities in the art/music/movie/TV industry to get involved in the fight to keep trails open. Consider hosting a concert or trail ride. Donate your time for a PSA. Consider making a financial contribution to BRC or some other land use organization. There is no time like the present for you to get involved.
If you want to send a donation, plan a concert, host a fundraiser trail ride, or make some other commitment…feel free to contact The General.
Don Amador
The General’s Recreation HQ
555 Honey Lane
Oakley, CA 94561
Office: 925.625.6287
To send a donation to BRC:
The BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc.
4555 Burley Drive, Ste. A
Pocatello, ID 83202
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Monday, July 6, 2009

Step One - When a conservative land use advocate first arrives on the scene, green groups often ignore you or dismiss your ideas.
Step Two – As you become an effective spokesperson for access to public lands, environmental leaders and organizations (and even some OHV groups) will demonize you, call you names, and try and discredit your work.
Step Three - Once environmental groups realize that you know what you are talking about and are an effective champion for multiple-use of, and access to, public lands – those same groups will try and hire you.
I hold no grudge against Rey for getting a gig with WildLaw since he has bills to pay and a family to support. Quite frankly at this time and place, the job opportunities working for conservative land-use organizations are slim to non-existent. Good job Mark!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Celebrate Freedom on this 4th of July

Charles Sumner (an American Statesman) once said, “There is the National Flag. He must be cold, indeed, who can look upon its folds rippling in the breeze without pride of country. If he be in a foreign land, the flag is companionship and country itself, with all its endearment...The very colors have a language which was recognized by our fathers; white is for purity; red, for valor; blue, for justice. And altogether, bunting, stripes, stars, and colors, blazing in the sky, make the flag of our country, to be cherished by all our hearts, to be upheld by all our hands .”
As we celebrate the 4th of July during this time of war with Islamic terrorists, a time of economic crisis, and a time of attacks on our access to public lands - let us continue to honor those who fought (and often times died) to give us freedom by not giving up and by staying the course. I know many of my readers are inspired to do and accomplish great things in the name of freedom. In fact, it is the tenacious actions of some of you (and you know who you are) that continue to inspire and encourage me.
Also, let us not forgot the troops who are on the frontlines today. I know many of you are already engaged in some sort of support effort. For those of you looking for a way to support the troops, The General would like to suggest that you check out -- Trust me, our troops love getting care packages from home that include items (that we off-roaders like too) such as beef jerky, salve and powders to help with monkey-butt, games, current magazines, snacks, mag lites, AA and AAA batteries, etc. Working through Adoptaplatoon is a good way to get involved.
There are lots of patriotic songs out there that one can listen to that will make you feel proud to be an American. One song I want to suggest is the American Trilogy sung by Elvis Presley – a Great American in his own right. When you listen to this song… turn your speakers or headsets up. Enjoy the song and be proud to be an American. We have a rich history and I think this song captures it in a unique manner.
This weekend I want you to remember the following words from Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed – else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.”
The General salutes you all on this 4th of July.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
National Park Service Take Over of State Parks is Bad Idea

To some folks it may seem like a good idea. However, in my opinion it creates a number of recreation and access issues. Though some NPS units offer mostly non-motorized recreational opportunities, many NPS units manage their facilities as quasi-Wilderness areas where even non-motorized public access and use is discouraged.
For example, most of the public recreational opportunity (including hiking, fishing, mountain biking, and equestrian use) occurs on the state units of RNP. On the NPS lands, the feds appear to discourage public use via the small amount of trails available for non-motorized use, lack of staging/parking areas, onerous regulations, etc.
Also, if you think working with state parks is difficult… just try to “work” with the NPS in CA. In a late 1990s RNP plan amendment, the NPS stated in the document that their anti-access agenda would put the local commercial surf fisherman … “out of business.”
As politicians debate the budget in Sacramento, it would be my recommendation for them to look at implementing a “user-pay/user-benefit” program for regular state parks.
Those self-funding tools could include an increased entrance fee (such as a 15-20 dollar annual tag for your car, increased camping fees, etc.). What the public won’t support is an across-the-board fee for ALL vehicles regardless of if they use the park or not. Fees collected should be used for park-related on-the-ground public services.
At the end of the day, a take-over by the NPS of our state park units is unacceptable and a concept that should be rejected by lawmakers in Sacramento.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
CODE RED ACTION ALERT - CA OHV Program Under New Attack

Now, there is a new threat to our OHV Program. According to sources in Sacramento, the Governor and Legislator are looking at taking money from the OHV program and diverting it to regular state parks – where there are NO OHV opportunities.
Article on Threat
This concept of stealing money from OHV is not new. Some of you may remember the 2005 California Bureau of State Audits report that showed (among many things) that non-OHV parks were taking OHV monies.
2005 Report (A good read for you AFTER you send in your letter today)
The General’s Orders for today are simple – FAX and send in letters TODAY! Tomorrow could be too late.
BRC has issued an action alert and has a sample cut and paste letter with Sac. Contact info.
Please fwd this note to your email lists and thanks for your service!!!
The General