Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Famous Eco-Law Group Closes its Doors

By now, many HQ riders know about the recent departure of Carl Pope from the Sierra Club and the 31 % cut in staff made by The Wilderness Society over the last year.

HQ believes much of that is based on a downturn in the economy that has hit basically all non-profit land advocacy groups. Also, with most if not all “Wilderness quality” lands being already designated by Congress as federally designated Wilderness, pro-Wilderness groups may have become less relevant in 2011.

HQ was also surprised to learn today that a rather famous environmental law-firm had recently closed its doors. Wildlaw, who had hired a former Bush-era cabinet member as their lobbyist in Washington DC, specialized in anti-OHV and anti-timber lawsuits.

Wildlaw Hiring Mark Rey as their Eco-Lobbyist

Wildlaw Statement on its Closing

HQ believes there is a paradigm shift underway in this country. The proponents of hard-left land-use politics will fall by the trailside and be replaced (or evolve) into more mainstream environmental or conservation groups who have a desire to work collaboratively with OHV organizations and leaders on projects that both protect the environment and allow for responsible OHV recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas.

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  1. This is a very encouraging trend!

  2. Finally. It is time for us to stop locking away our lands so only a very few can enjoy and use the lands as they were God given to us to start with. No more wilderness, locked away wildlife areas, etc. I do believe with current land use practices, we can all still all enjoy and take care of what we have left to us. No more locking up the lands to pay our national dept which we the people caused in the first place.
