Recently, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors reviewed the possibility of declaring a state of emergency on lands managed by the Mendocino National Forest because of the threat to public safety by illegal dope growers.
Aug 5 Article on State of Emergency
Aug 5 Article on State of Emergency
On June 21, HQ blogged about the closure and signs posted in AZ warning the public of criminal activity on the border including drug smuggling and human trafficking.
In that post, The General suggested the Forest Service take a break from travel management to focus its resources on real issues such as illegal dope growing vs. the faux issue of a grave environmental crisis posed by OHV use.
Actually, it is well known that the best defense against illegal dope growers is to have a managed and well-used OHV trail system (criminals don’t like to be in areas where there are a lot of people). Dope growers mostly practice their trade in areas where motorized public access has been restricted or banned.
Blog on Illegal Activity and Request to Push the TMR Reset Button
For those of you who ride in the Mendocino NF, the threat to public safety because of increased marijuana growing is nothing new. Many of us remember that last year, the agency basically banned its law enforcement officers from patrolling federal land in the Covelo area.
Rather than starting Subpart A’s TAP process in September, HQ urges the agency to focus LE efforts on protecting the public. In addition, R5 should postpone TAP on Forests where there is a need to do post Subpart B project level trail plans in fulfillment of the agency’s promise that Subpart B was “just the beginning.”
Again, things are 180 degrees backwards in the country. Trail riders are being banned from historic routes while criminal activity is being ignored. HQ suggests the federal government spend more time addressing real crime vs. trying to make criminals out of law abiding citizens who like to ride a dirt-bike or drive a jeep.
Thanks for your service!
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