As a soldier in land-use wars for the last 20 years, The General has often been able to read the stitches on the fastball when it comes to predicting and exposing environmental hoaxes and eco-frauds.
In the late 1990s, I testified before Congress regarding the anti-access tenets of the Clinton-Gore Roadless Agenda. Today the BRC Legal Defense Fund continues to battle Enviros on several “Roadless” lawsuits
In the late 1990s, I testified before Congress regarding the anti-access tenets of the Clinton-Gore Roadless Agenda. Today the BRC Legal Defense Fund continues to battle Enviros on several “Roadless” lawsuits
BRC Roadless Legal Efforts (look at Roadless and So Cal Lawsuit – which is also roadless related) http://www.sharetrails.org/magazine/article.php?legal=1&nonav=1
BRC Roadless Legal Efforts (look at Roadless and So Cal Lawsuit – which is also roadless related) http://www.sharetrails.org/magazine/article.php?legal=1&nonav=1
In 2002/2003, The General was the only OHV leader who formally objected to the CA Route Inventory and Designation Process because he knew it was going to be used to defund trail maintenance grants to FS and BLM units, close trails, and lay the foundation for the current TMR debacle that we see on many Forests and Regions.
Overview of CA RID
In 2002/2003, The General was the only OHV leader who formally objected to the CA Route Inventory and Designation Process because he knew it was going to be used to defund trail maintenance grants to FS and BLM units, close trails, and lay the foundation for the current TMR debacle that we see on many Forests and Regions.
Overview of CA RID
In 2005, I wrote a book review on Michael Crichton’s State of Fear. In that review, The General agreed with the book’s thesis that man-made climate change was a hoax and that the Wilderness was a political agenda driven issue as well.
2005 State of Fear Review
In 2005, I wrote a book review on Michael Crichton’s State of Fear. In that review, The General agreed with the book’s thesis that man-made climate change was a hoax and that the Wilderness was a political agenda driven issue as well.
2005 State of Fear Review
Some folks were quick to criticize The General for daring to question the Climate Change Industrial Complex (e.g. Algore’s scheme to create taxes and fees for carbon credits, etc)
With today’s expose of the man-made global warming hoax, The General feels vindicated on his position that man should not be blamed for climate change. As many of you know, climate change is a fact of life and has been occurring since time began. In fact, my ancestors (the Vikings) were driven off the North American Continent by a mini ice-age. It will continue regardless of what man does.
Some folks were quick to criticize The General for daring to question the Climate Change Industrial Complex (e.g. Algore’s scheme to create taxes and fees for carbon credits, etc)
With today’s expose of the man-made global warming hoax, The General feels vindicated on his position that man should not be blamed for climate change. As many of you know, climate change is a fact of life and has been occurring since time began. In fact, my ancestors (the Vikings) were driven off the North American Continent by a mini ice-age. It will continue regardless of what man does.
Good Blog on Global Warming Hoax
Good Blog on Global Warming Hoax
Sen. Inhofe’s Effort on this Front
Sen. Inhofe’s Effort on this Front
As off-roaders we are obligated to be good stewards and use sound science and a substantive land-ethic in the management of our sport on public and private lands. We have a long history of volunteerism and taxing ourselves to pay for OHV-related trail maintenance, conservation, and law enforcement. I see that continuing.
What is at question is how we expose, respond to, and address eco-hoaxes, ill-conceived or agenda driven land management planning efforts, and proposed land closures?
Lastly, you can be assured that “Donstradamus” (that name was given to me by an OHVer because of my accurate predictions on roadless, CA RID, man-made global warming, and other issues) will continue to look into the future and prepare for what awaits the OHV community.
As off-roaders we are obligated to be good stewards and use sound science and a substantive land-ethic in the management of our sport on public and private lands. We have a long history of volunteerism and taxing ourselves to pay for OHV-related trail maintenance, conservation, and law enforcement. I see that continuing.
What is at question is how we expose, respond to, and address eco-hoaxes, ill-conceived or agenda driven land management planning efforts, and proposed land closures?
Lastly, you can be assured that “Donstradamus” (that name was given to me by an OHVer because of my accurate predictions on roadless, CA RID, man-made global warming, and other issues) will continue to look into the future and prepare for what awaits the OHV community.
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