OHV families and dealers got hit hard on Feb. 10 with a "ban" on the sale of youth OHVs. Many riders and shop owners could not believe that their government would want to put them out of business.
However, don't think your letters and visits to congressional district offices did not matter - they did. A number of congressional members issued strong letters of opposition to the CPSC or introduced legislation such as Sen. Jim DeMint's S.374. Be assured the national OHV groups have this high on their radar screen and will continue efforts as well. They continue to need the grassroots support and effort.
We may have lost round one with the Feb. 10 ban, but we have several more rounds to go. Please continue to make those personal visits to congressional district offices. Also SEND letters to Congress using the BlueRibbon Coalition's
BRC Rapid Response Center (just type in ZIP code and cut and paste letter)
Send letters to the CPSC
As a member of the OHV community, I want to voice my continued support for petitions filed by the Motorcycle Industry Council and Specialty Vehicle Institute of America to seek emergency relief from provisions that went into effect on February 10, 2009.
While I do support efforts by Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect children from lead content in products that truly present a risk to children, I do not believe the Commission intended that metal parts on ATVs and motorcycles be included in that regulation because they do not present a lead risk to children.
As the spring OHV recreation season rapidly approaches, I ask you to support efforts to exclude youth-oriented OHVs – and the businesses that sell and service them – from being unnecessarily impacted by this ban especially during this economic crisis.
You can also go to Missouri State Representative Tom Self's website and send a letter as well.
The General sent letters today using both services and he asks you to do the same. Also, fwd to other OHV users and dealers.
The General Thanks You for for Your Service!!!
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