Congress is hearing your collective voice regarding the Feb. 10 nationwide ban of youth OHVs. Senator Jim DeMint has introduced legislation S374 to address the issue
NAM placed an ad on THE HILL that talks about the many businesses that will be impacted by CPSC’s ban. See article:
Here is the ad.
AMA has written a letter:
This crisis for the OHV community is not over!!! Please continue to make personal visits to your Member of Congress and thanks to all of you who have made those visits or written a letter.
CPSC Comment Pagehttp://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/info.aspx
NAM placed an ad on THE HILL that talks about the many businesses that will be impacted by CPSC’s ban. See article:
Here is the ad.
AMA has written a letter:
This crisis for the OHV community is not over!!! Please continue to make personal visits to your Member of Congress and thanks to all of you who have made those visits or written a letter.
CPSC Comment Pagehttp://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/info.aspx
BRC Rapid Response Center to contact the White House and your Congressional Memberhttp://www.sharetrails.org/rapid_response/
MIC News Release on Issue:http://www.mic.org/news012609.cfm
Honda Letter to Dealers:http://www.cyclenews.com/ShowStory.asp?HeadlineID=13413
Sample "Cut and Paste" Letter:
As a member of the OHV community, I want to voice my strong support for petitions filed recently by the Motorcycle Industry Council and Specialty Vehicle Institute of America to seek emergency relief from provisions which go into effect on February 10, 2009.
While I do support efforts by Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect children from lead content in products that truly present a risk to children, I do not believe the Commission intended that metal parts on ATVs and motorcycles be included in that regulation because they do not present a lead risk to children.
As the spring OHV recreation season rapidly approaches, I ask you to support efforts to exclude youth-oriented OHVs – and the businesses that sell and service them – from being unnecessarily impacted by this ban especially during this economic crisis.
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