On August 25, 2009 - The General (on behalf of the BlueRibbon Coalition) sent in formal comments on the Shasta Trinity National Forest’s DEIS for Travel Management.
Photo: This is the Idaho-style single track trail called - The Dubakellas Trail. It is proposed to be closed to OHV use in the DEIS.
BRC Aug. 25, 2009 Comments on Shasta Trinity NF including exhibits
BRC Aug. 25, 2009 Comments on Shasta Trinity NF including exhibits
Regrettably for both users and the agency, this is the best (or worst) example of TMR “gone wrong” in California so far. Basically all of the action alternatives close almost 100% of the existing motorcycle only trails and ATV trails <>
See my May blog on the origins of the CA RID process for some perspective
See my May blog on the origins of the CA RID process for some perspective
The General hopes that Forest leadership will review public comments (users, local governments, and other stakeholders) and push the “reset button” on TMR. I believe the Forest should withdraw the DEIS and issue a supplemental DEIS that includes a viable recreation alternative that designates a significant number of historic OHV routes. A blanket closure of almost 100% of their motorcycle only and ATV trails is unrealistic, unfair, a violation of public trust, and runs counter to promises made by Region 5 staff to BRC that TMR would not be used as a closure tool.
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