Thursday, December 10, 2015

MUST WATCH OHV TV - Video from Congressional Hearing on Clear Creek - H.R. 1838

Don Amador (L) and Ed Tobin (R) Riding
at Clear Creek before the 2008 Closure

The Recreation HQ has fired up its alert system in regards to yesterday’s House Subcommittee on Federal Lands hearing on two very important OHV-related legislative initiatives.  Those two bills are H.R. 1838, the Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conservation Act and H.R. 3668, the California Minerals, Off-Road Recreation, and Conservation Act.

For this update, HQ will focus on highlights and key testimony/discussion related to H.R. 1838.  Understanding that folks have limited time, the HQ has noted key times and discussion themes.

This is a must watch video for all of us who have been engaged in efforts to reopen Clear Creek to OHV use.

00 – Chairman Tom McClintock and Ranking Member Debbie Dingall
06:49 – Cong. Sam Farr (history of issue, assumption of risk, OHV commission, economic hit to local business, thanks CA’s odd couple, Tobin, and Ron the Townhall King, etc.
023:50 – Cong.  Sam Farr (wild and scenic rivers)
025:15 – Cong. Sam Farr (assumption of risk, closure is unacceptable)
035:29 – Cong. Jeff Denham (public land should be open for public use, user fees to support mang)
036:21 – Cong. Sam Farr (discusses user fee program to support mang)
037:12 – Cong. Jeff Denham (values local support, etc.)


1:25 – Cong.  Tom McClintock (assumption of risk, use of public lands)
1:27 – Kristin Bail/BLM (BLM’s position on the bill and reasons for closure)
1:38 – San Benito County Supervisor, Jerry Muenzer (risk models, economic import, support for bill)
1:43 –  Chairman McClintock (questions Muenzer on closure)
1:44 – Chairman McClintock (questions BLM on closure, hx of serpentine in CA, etc.)
1:48 – Cong. Sam Farr (expresses concerns about BLM’s decision to close and need to find a way to manage the unit for OHV and access)
1:48:46 –Cong. Doug LaMalfa (questions BLM on risk assessment)
1:51 – Cong. Doug LaMalfa (questions Muenzer on EPA and 40 years of no health cases at Clear Creek)
1:53 – Cong. Bruce Westerman (talks about closures being a national issue, need to create access for youth and not create obstacles)
2:04 -  Cong. Tom McClintock (closing remarks about closures being an important issue)


The HQ wants to thank all those involved in supporting this 8 year effort to reopen Clear Creek to managed OHV recreation.  BIG THANKS for not giving up. 

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