Monday, May 16, 2011

Cuts to CA OHV Program? -- May Revise Today

As HQ and OHVers brace for the release of the Governor’s May Revise today at 11 am, it will be important to watch for proposed tax increases and cuts to the CA OHV Program.

May 16 AP Article on May Revise and Budget

It will be interesting to see just how big the cuts will be to the OHV Program. My fear (which I hope is not realized, but is based on Feb. budget battle) is that we could see a proposed cut of at least 50% to the $64 million dollar a year program (SVRAs, admin. and grants). That would cut the grants program from about $27 million dollars/yr. to approx. $13 million dollars. A similar size cut to the admin/SVRA side would result in impacts to SVRAs and the agency’s ability to administer the grants program and OSV program.

Review/Blog of Feb. OHV Budget Fight (Alert because the entire program was at risk)

Of interest are the “triggers” included in some of the past loans taken (stolen) from the OHV Trust Fund that basically states -- "if budget cuts seriously impact the OHV program the borrowed funds have to be returned immediately to the Trust Fund."

HQ does not know just how solid those triggers are since the legislature can invent new rules as they see fit by simply writing a new law that exempts them from past promises.

Stay tuned over the summer months, as the temperature is sure to rise both outside and inside of the State Capitol.


  1. I was reminded of those loan triggers by an assembly staffer who tried to make me feel good at the Feb budget hearings... it did not help my feelings at all. I think in this budget crisis that triggers are almost worthless.

  2. Well at least there wont be any more doubt over what we need to do about it, no not any reason to be less ticked off just sayin.....

  3. I guess the deal will be to cut trail maintenance and keep enforcement and administration at present levels. This will provide more ammo for the green army.

  4. Justus, It is hard to say what the "deal" will be in the end. If we do take a hit, I expect that all aspects of the program will share the pain on an equal basis.
